Monday, August 31, 2009

Holy Cow!

Emmaline has just recently started drawing letters, and she's also been working on the computer quite a bit since we got her little station set up, and yesterday she drew her first letters on the computer in just a simple paint program, and she drew the word eat! It was really funny. Obviously just a coincidence, but still funny. And while she was drawing it she kept asking Royce to get her something to eat.

Royce's back has been pretty tight lately, so when he got home from work today he laid down so I could rub his back, and after a little while Emmaline came in and laid down beside him and snuggled up next to him, and about 30sec later they were both sound asleep. So cute.
As you can tell, Emmaline is built just like her Daddy. :)

Poor Royce. I forgot to put a pic with him in it too. It was a little harder to get all three of us to fit very well. :)Sorry to those of you who have me on blog and you can tell, it's pretty much an exact repeat. :)

1 comment:

Lea said...

I'm trying to update our photos and I need one with the 3 of you -all in the frame- The only one I have is the one you gave out at X-mas a few years ago and Emmaline has really grown since then.