Wednesday, June 24, 2009

St. Louis Preview

We (Emmaline, my parents and I) are in St. Louis visiting Lea and Mike and baby Mazy. Here are just a couple of pictures from our trip so far. It's been a lot of fun, except for missing Daddy so so much.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Last night there was a really big storm just north of us, and I guess it's not confirmed yet, but they think there were two tornado touchdowns just north of us. I have to admit, it made me a little bit nervous, so we camped out in the bathroom for a little while. Our county was under tornado warning, which means you need to go to your shelter, but the tornadoes were in the northern part of the county, and by the time the storm got to us, the warnings were off, and it was just a severe thunderstorm warning. That part was pretty cool, because there was tons of lightening, and after a couple of minutes the power went out, so we hung out in our room watching the lightening. There was some damage to the north, but nothing down where we are, so that was really good. It made for a bit of a crazy evening!
Here we are, camped out in the shower. :)
These are just some random pictures of Emmaline's bath time.

She came out of our room looking like this one Sunday after Church. Oh, one other thing. Emmaline has learned the Happy Birthday song from Primary, (which I'm pretty impressed...way to go Primary leaders.) and she loves it, and she sings it all the time. And since my birthday is coming up, she sings it to me a lot, and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. I tear up a little every time she does. She's so cute! (And she knows her mommy well. A little too well. Lately when I ask her to clean up something, or do something she doesn't want to do, she says, "but I want to sit on the couch with you and snuggle." She's dangerous.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We went to a little water-fountain park today (I don't know what they're really called :)), and now I have a big sunburn on the left side of my neck, and down my left arm. Anyone else?
It's actually kind of funny, because Emmaline and I went swimming last week, and I put sunblock on, but I couldn't reach parts of my back, so I didn't worry about it because it seemed kind of overcast, and I got a crazy sunburn right on my back where I can't reach, and this last week it has been so itchy, and I can't reach it! So maybe next time I will ask a stranger mom to help me put my sunblock on. No, no, probably not. :)