Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gina and the Capitol

Aunty Gina came to stay with us two weeks ago, and we went to see the Capitol. The Texas state Capitol is even a few feet bigger than the United States Capitol. Silly Texas. (I don't know why I can't figure out how to rotate it.)

When we were growing up we rode horses, and my grandma was a riding instructor, and a horse show judge, so when we took this picture, Emmaline was holding onto the horn, and I was just joking around and I told her that if she held onto the horn Grandma would beat her, (because you're not supposed to hold onto the horn...I don't remember why; I think something about getting your hand wrapped around with a rope and cutting your fingers off or something) and as I was putting this picture up on the blog Emmaline said, "If I hold onto that thingy, Grandma will beat me?" It was pretty funny. (We really don't beat our children...I probably shouldn't joke around about stuff like that. :) )

It was a lot of fun, and Daddy ended up getting out of class early, and his building is only a block away, so he walked over and got to go through the last building with us.
Emmaline had a lot of fun with Aunty Gina, and it took a lot of convincing to let us giver her back to Nana and Papa. We still might have to kidnap her back sometime. :)

Emmaline also has decided that she likes to take pictures now, so I let her use the camera when we went, and it was pretty fun to see our visit through the eyes of a three year old. This was one of her favorite pictures...a picture of the Capitol and fireworks. :) She's camera crazy now; we might have to get her a little digital camera for her birthday. (But not the kid tough ones that you can throw down the stairs...they're $80! Besides we don't even have any stairs...)

Our last story of the day was pretty sad. I've been sick all last week, so Thursday I finally went to the doctor, and I had an ear infection, and a yucky cold, so I've been on my antibiotics so I thought I'd be okay to go to Church today, but by the middle of Sunday school I was feeling pretty yucky so we decided to go home, so we went to get Emmaline out of primary, and she was so sad she just starting crying because she didn't want to leave primary. I felt so bad. I almost talked Royce into staying the third hour, but he didn't want Mommy feeling sick, so we came home, and Emmaline and Royce made cookies together, and he cooked her top ramen noodles for lunch. (She loves them, but she doesn't get them very much because they don't have much nutritional value. :) ) Then we ended up playing together for the rest of the afternoon, so she ended up having a pretty good day after all.


mkt said...

My kids love Ramen too... to ease my conscience a little, I mix in a beaten egg just before I take them off the heat and add frozen peas. It's especially tasty with the Oriental flavor (but we only use about 1/2 of the spice packet.

Tori said...

That's a good idea. I'll have to try it sometime.

Lea said...

sounds like fun. I thought you weren't suppose to hold the pommel because then you didn't control the horses head with the reins, but I can't remember either - I just remember the chastising.