Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Go Uncle Will!!!

The OIT men's basketball team just won their first game in the tournament! We got to watch it on-line, and Uncle Will got to play! I'm such a dork; there was about a minute and a half left of the game, and OIT was up by like 20 points, so both teams put their bench guys in so they'd get a chance to play in in the tournament, so Uncle Will gets in the game and we get all excited, and I'm pointing him out to Emmaline, and Royce runs in from doing his homework. It was cute. So like the second the game ends my Dad calls, and I guess their internet stopped working, so they missed him coming in. Luckily they had the radio going at the same time, so at least they got to hear it. (Marissa was there at my parents house, too.) So I'm glad I got to watch the game. They're playing in Missouri, which is half-way between Lea and I, so our plan was to meet in the middle and go to his games, but Royce had to work, and I didn't want to drive 10hrs with just Emmaline and I, so Lea was going to go alone, but she's like 7mo pregnant, and her doctor really wanted her to stay home, instead of driving 12hrs by herself. Anyway, this is kind of rambling...sorry. I'm still all jazzed up from the game. It's been a long time since I've played basketball, but even watching it still makes me nervous. :)


Anonymous said...

HOW AWESOME! Go Uncle Will!!!! Isn't it just awesome to see your family members succeed!!!!! Hope all is well, we miss you guys!

J. Guest said...

I had no idea he was even on the team! Fan-freaking-tastic! said...

Tori I need your email, I don't think you are on my blog, and you must see pictures of my brand new baby boy!!!:)
Oh yes, way to go Will!!!

Tori said...

Anita! I want to see your pictures so bad! I didn't even know you had him, until my mom told me last night. My e-mail is I'm so happy for you guys!! (My mom said it was kind of rough, though, so I'm sorry for that :) ) I'm not sure how to get a hold of you, but hopefully you'll see this, and if not I'll call your Mommy and get your e-mail. So yeah!!!