Monday, October 12, 2009

Emmaline Turns 4!!

So Emmaline turned 4 last Wednesday, so we had a little party then with the three of us and my parents via the computer, and then on Sunday we had a party with Nana and Papa, Gina, Ronda, Rocky, Carol, and Chloe and Lyla, two of Emmaline's cousins. (Which was a pretty good turnout. 4 of the 9 Kimmons kids were there, and the ones that weren't live too far away to come for just
one day.) But it was a pretty fun party, and I think Emmaline had a pretty good week.

This is the main present that my parents bought for Emmaline, and they even called before they bought it to see if Royce would be kind enough to set it up for her. :)
This is what it looked like this first night after an hour and a half and 25 out of 60 pages of set-up instruction.
This is the finished product. It really is pretty fun to watch, and the kids really like playing with it. It really can hold Emmaline's attention span for a long time.

On Wednesday she also opened Aunty Lea's present, and she made her this cute little decoration, and all of the bows. I can't imagine how much time it took her to make the bows. I tried to make one when we went to her house this summer, and not only did mine look like poop, but it took me forever. Lea definately has the crafting gene of the three of us.

This is another present my parents sent her. It's a pony that you can color on, and then wash in the washing machine and color on it again. Emmaline colored all of the flowers by herself, and I thought she did a pretty good job. (The bow is another one that Lea made, and my mom also sent her the new clothes she was wearing, and a new little dress. They miss her a lot, and I think it makes them feel better to buy her tons of stuff. :) )

This is the last present my parents sent Emmaline. I'm not sure if you remember or not (whoever "you" may be that I'm talking to) but my parents sent Emmaline a jumping, singing bunny for Easter, and it scared Emmaline to death. Well, we learned enough to warn her ahead of time that her puppy moves and makes noise, but she has still been pretty hesitant with this guy. She won't let us turn him on unless she's up on the couch, and he has a pretty sensitive sensor on him, so she wouldn't go in her room if he was in there. I have to take him out of her room, and put him on the kitchen table before she'll go in her room. But I think with time she'll get used to him, just like she did her Easter bunny. :)

So then we had our fun little party on Sunday, and she opened her presents from us, and from Royce's side of the family. She ended up with a lot of stuff for just one little girl. :)

This is one of the movies that Nana and Papa got her, (they got her a few movies, with lots of cool singing, so we're excited about that) and she wanted to watch it just as soon as everyone left, and I swear it wasn't more than a minute and a half of watching it, and I looked over and she was like this:

This is the Lightening McQueen car that Rocky and Carol and the girls got Emmaline. Chloe's birthday was just about a week before Emmaline, and she had a cool Mater cake, and got some little cars, and Emmaline just loved them, so they were nice enough to get her Lightning McQueen and Doc, and now she carries both of them around in her purse, everywhere we go. :)

These last two presents are ones that Royce and I got her. We got her the camera because she loves taking pictures lately, and she's had fun with her new camera, but unfortunately the pictures come out awful. I'm kind of sad about that, and am tempted to get her a new camera, because even when I'm taking the picture it doesn't come out at all.

We also got her some rings and a necklace, because she loves wearing Royce's and my wedding rings, so we told her we'd get her her own ring for her birthday. They were a little too big, but we could moosh them enough so they'd work.

Oh, and Royce's grandma sent Emmaline 5 dollars for her birthday, so we took her to the dollar store to pick out some fun stuff, and she ended up getting a sword, a car, balls, and a horse. She's been playing with a lot of boys in her little school lately. :)

The rest of these pictures are just mainly the girls having fun together. Emmaline came in to blow out her candles, then they went into her room to play, and we couldn't even get them to come out for cake and ice cream. It was pretty cute.
This is Chloe and Lyla (sisters), and Papa.

Here's cute little Chloe!

So I guess that's it, and thanks for everyone who helped Emmaline have a wonderful birthday!


Warrior Princesa said...

i think she got too many presents! jealous!!!! :) can't believe she's 4! shoots!

Tori said...

I know, it's crazy. How are you doing Kelda? What's new in your life?