Saturday, May 8, 2010

Surgery and Emmaline's Outfit

So lately I've been having some bowel problems, long/gross story short on Tuesday I had to go in and have part of a muscle cut out so things could work the way that they're supposed to, and it was just a minor surgery so I thought, I should be fine, not a big deal. So on Wednesday Emmaline and I were home alone together, and it was a lot harder of a recovery than I thought it would be, and Royce is completely swamped because it's the end of the semester and Thursday was his long day so he'd be gone all day long, so Wednesday night we called Nana, and she came Thursday morning and saved the day! She stayed through Friday evening until Royce got home from work. I only got up when I had to go to the bathroom, and she cleaned our house, and did the laundry and took Emmaline to the playground, and I was able to rest and recover very comfortably because she was there. And it was nice to be able to just talk, also. So thanks Nana!

Since I was sitting for a few days straight, I decided to try out another project. I've kind of been on a sewing kick lately, and I thought it might be fun to try and make Emmaline a little outfit (another Personal Progress thing) and here is how it turned out. Her little shirt I made from the material of a pair of exercise pants that got torn in the washer, and her skirt was all made out of some scrap material I'd already had. But it's not too bad for my first attempt at making clothes, but again, there are no pictures of the back, and it's good that the shirt is a little long. :) I did want the skirt a little puffier, but I think I just made it too long, and it would have puffed out a little more if it was shorter, but I wasn't sure how much I would mess up so I gave myself too much extra material at the top. She doesn't look super thrilled in the picture because I kept making her try them on over and over again as I kept sewing different parts, but I told her if she would put it on one last time for the picture I wouldn't make her put it on again until she wanted to wear it.


Sarah said...

LOVE the skirt!

Hizzeather said...

Cute! You should check out the Make it and love it blog. Very helpful for sewing cute stuff.

Jenny said...

Cute outfit! And I want to hear the long/gross story.

Tori said...

Thanks guys! And I'd be willing to tell you the story, Jenny. :)