Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break

Royce had to work the first couple of days of spring break, and has homework/group work the last couple of days, so today we decided to go to the Texas State History Museum, and we also went to an IMAX theater and watched "Under the Sea in 3D." It was really fun, and we were really excited for Emmaline to see the movie, but the first 3 or 4 min were big fish hiding at the bottom of the ocean, and suddenly jumping out and eating smaller fish, and poor little Emmaline freaked out. She was sitting on Royce's lap, and had one of his hands, and was clutching my arm with her other hand, and her legs were curled up to her chest, and she took the glasses off, and wouldn't put them on for the rest of the movie. The museum was fun, though, and then we went out for pizza. So a good day, just a little jumpier than we expected. :)

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