Friday, October 10, 2008

Emmaline's Birthday

Emmaline turned 3 on Tuesday! It was such a fun day. I tried to get everything done that I had to do the night before, so we spent all day reading stories, and playing, and building towers, and decorating her cake. Then there was this big block party for the married student apartment complexes, and there were pony rides, and a bounce house, and a fire truck, and tons of stickers and games, and food, and it was really fun. We did that from 5:30 until 7:30, and that's when Daddy got home from school, so after trying to get the web-cam all set up for my parents, Emmaline opened her presents sitting at the computer so Grandma and Grandpa could watch from the web-cam. Then we talked to Aunty Lea and Uncle Mike on their web-cam, and she opened her present from them, then back to Grandma to watch her blow out her candles. Part of me wishes that I'd gotten more pictures and video, but I was so caught up in the moment I completely forgot, but I think that's a good thing. It was such a special day for our special little girl. We love our little Emmaline so much!
Her present from us this year was a little tricycle...everytime we go to Walmart we have to go look at the bikes, and then I found this one on sale, so we got it. She was so excited...Royce kept trying to put it together, and she was grabbing stuff and just putting it anywhere on the bike because Daddy wasn't going fast enough. She got the little monkey from Grandma and Grandpa as part of her own little suitcase, and so she rode her bike around the apartment, holding her monkey and taking him for a ride.

1 comment:

Warrior Princesa said...

i miss you guys so much!!! i started crying when hearing your cute voices. how sad and pathetic is that?