Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here we are at our Ward Trunk-or-Treat. I realized yesterday that I didn't have a bucket for Emmaline, so we swung by Wal-Mart on the way to the Church, and apparently I wasn't the only one that waited until the last minute. All of the candy was gone, as well as all of the buckets, so we got a little creative with a gift bag :) Luckily she's not old enough to know that you're supposed to have a bucket (Or at least not old enough to care...heck, random people are giving her lots of candy!) :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hair Cut!

Watching movies with Mr. Bear, Daddy Bear, and Monkey. That's what their names are.
I cut off her hair! It was the most random thing...we were sitting at Church yesterday, and this little girl had a cute haircut, and I thought, huh, maybe I should cut Emmaline's hair. So we went home, and I cut it off! Normally I would think/plan/debate for weeks, but I just came home and chopped it off. (It was also my second time cutting hair...I tried to cut Royce's hair once, but I was so worried about doing a bad job it took me like 2 hrs, and then Royce finally decided to do it himself, and he just went at it with the clippers.) So hopefully she likes her new hair cut!
I let her play with some of my old make-up...this is lip gloss, but it looks like she had a really bad accident. We thought about posing some with her holding a cheese grater; another one with her laying on the floor next to her upturned bike...but we just couldn't do it :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Blog!

I've started a new blog! It's just some good recipes that I've found/have, and so hopefully I'll keep it updated so if you're in a cooking mood, check it out! Today's postings are Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, Paula Dean's Pumpkin Pie, and Whole Wheat Pancakes...yumm......I think I love food a little too much. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Emmaline's Drawing

Emmaline drew this today, and I thought it was pretty funny. She's just recently started drawing people, and it's cute, but she'll never be able to go beyond this point, because this is about the level that I draw at. She asks me to draw people, and she wants me to draw feet, and toes, so I just draw a circle at the end of a stick arm/leg, and little stick fingers and toes. :)

Googly Bear

I've decided that I need to blog about Royce more often. I've been realizing lately that it's easy to get caught up in things that I'm doing with Emmaline, and cleaning, and cooking, and what not, which are all very important things to do, but I think in all of my efforts of trying to do good things I've kind of been neglecting Royce a little bit, and so this is part of my attempt to focus on taking care of him a little better. So it's bragging about Royce time :)
A couple of weeks ago we found out that he is going to be published! One of his professors and another student and he (him?) are compiling a bunch of stuff together to make a book about instructional technology (I think :) ) and they're going to present it next year in Washington DC. Which is really cool, and it's a great opportunity for him, especially being so new in the program. So whoohoo! And hopefully he'll keep telling me cool stuff like that. (sometimes I have to beat it out of him, or we'll be talking with somebody and we get on the subject, and then he says something cool that he's done, and it will be a surprise to me too! Which is another reason that I want to focus on him some more, and help encourage him in the good things that he's doing :) ) It's a little harder to blog about Royce, because it's not like they're moments that I can take a picture of, but since I don't really like blogging without pictures, here's a cute one with his youngest sister Gina, when they went camping right before he left on his mission.) (And I really don't call him googly bear, but Emmaline has been watching Monsters Incorporated a lot lately:) )

Sunday Naps

Royce was so tired when we came home from Church today, and he fell asleep in the chair, and Emmaline went in her room and got her princess blanket, and put it over him, and then she got her monkey and Mr. Bear, and tucked them in with him too. It was so sweet!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanks for the flowers Aunty Lea!


Both of the girls got bikes for their birthday, and Nana and Papa got them each a princess dress-up outfit. It was funny how well they could walk in heels!

Fun at Nana and Papa's

Emmaline and Chloe's birthdays are pretty close to each other, so we went to Nana and Papa's this last weekend to have a little party. Lots of fun!! They got each of the girls their own little cake so they could just go crazy and do anything they wanted with their birthday cake; it was really cute.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I love kung fu!!!

We're going to Nana and Papa's house this weekend, and Emmaline wanted a Kung-Fu-Panda cake, so we made it for this weekend, and I just finished it! It was pretty fun...I found the idea of the bamboo on-line, but she covered pretzels in green fondant, and I thought the Pirouettes were easier and tastier. :)

Emmaline's Birthday

Emmaline turned 3 on Tuesday! It was such a fun day. I tried to get everything done that I had to do the night before, so we spent all day reading stories, and playing, and building towers, and decorating her cake. Then there was this big block party for the married student apartment complexes, and there were pony rides, and a bounce house, and a fire truck, and tons of stickers and games, and food, and it was really fun. We did that from 5:30 until 7:30, and that's when Daddy got home from school, so after trying to get the web-cam all set up for my parents, Emmaline opened her presents sitting at the computer so Grandma and Grandpa could watch from the web-cam. Then we talked to Aunty Lea and Uncle Mike on their web-cam, and she opened her present from them, then back to Grandma to watch her blow out her candles. Part of me wishes that I'd gotten more pictures and video, but I was so caught up in the moment I completely forgot, but I think that's a good thing. It was such a special day for our special little girl. We love our little Emmaline so much!
Her present from us this year was a little tricycle...everytime we go to Walmart we have to go look at the bikes, and then I found this one on sale, so we got it. She was so excited...Royce kept trying to put it together, and she was grabbing stuff and just putting it anywhere on the bike because Daddy wasn't going fast enough. She got the little monkey from Grandma and Grandpa as part of her own little suitcase, and so she rode her bike around the apartment, holding her monkey and taking him for a ride.

More Fondant

Okay, I know that I talk about fondant all of the time, and you're probably sick of hearing about it, but I just wanted to show you a little comparison. Here is Emmaline's birthday cake last year, and here's the one from this year. I mean, it has been a year and I have gotten better, but I haven't improved that much since then, but the fondant makes it look so cool!! I love it! (And more importantly, Emmaline loved it :) )

Friday, October 3, 2008

Peanut Butter Pie...MMMMMM

We're having a cooking competition among the student housing for the National Night Out, and I had to submit the recipe beforehand, and I thought since it was already on the computer I'd put it up on the blog. My Aunt, Gabbie, brought it for Thanksgiving a couple of years ago, and it's so good! So here you go. (And I found the cute recipe card on-line...

History of Texas Museum

We went to the Texas history museum, which is right across the street from Royce's work, so we rode the bus in with Daddy today. (Mommy's first time ever on a public transit bus :) )
It went pretty well, because there were four floors to the museum, and lots to look at, but then we still had some more time to kill before Daddy got done from work, and the UT Museum of Art was on the other side of Daddy's work, so we decided to go in for a little while. Not the smartest thing I've done all day.
The only experience I've had with a museum of art is the one at BYU, and I didn't even think about stuff not being appropriate for a 2yr old. Not only did we have lots of naked guy statues, we had painting of naked women stabbing themselves, some pottery from Greece with more naked guys (yeah, exactly), and lots of weird, gruesom death stuff. So we didn't stay there very long. Plus by that time Emmaline and I were both pretty tired, so we went to the building daddy works in and went up and down the escalator for the last ten minutes. So now we're home resting, and watching Veggie Tails. :)

Fun stuff from home...

Helping mommy in the kitchen. Every time I make bread, she puts her stool up by the counter, and puts a little flour down and kneads her own little roll. It's pretty cute.

We still haven't gotten Emmaline a bed yet, because she would fall off and hit her head a thousand times a night; every morning we go in there she ends up in another spot so we line the mattresses with blankets and pillows.